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I need Facebook help? - Printable Version

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I need Facebook help? - Don - 11-28-2013 07:15 PM

I want to get a Facebook so I can keep In contact with friends an stuff. I am worried about something though. I know your employer can look at you Internet history. I was wondering can your parents do that too??

- Shinigami - 11-28-2013 07:23 PM

They can search you on the internet. But it's unlikely they would.
Plus you can make your facebook profile private so you can't be found on the internet. Just go on settings. Smile

- Yoi_55 - 11-28-2013 07:28 PM

They sure can, if they know how :-)

- Mart - 11-28-2013 07:41 PM

Of course your parents can - if they know how to.

Whatever you want to keep from you parents chances are good you shouldn't be doing or saying those things anyways.

Be aware of your actions. Even if you can keep it from your parents know that once something is put on the internet it is there forever. Think about the things you say and post, are they things that could come back and haunt you as you get older. Will they prevent you from getting a job or embarrass you.

Kids in the past did stupid things and only a few people know about it. Now kids do something stupid and it could potentially be with them for a very long time.

- SPYDERBLADE - 11-28-2013 07:47 PM

Anyone can look you up on Facebook, but you can set your privacy so what can be seen is limited, or only available to close friends.