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Can someone help me with this facebook problem.? - Printable Version

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Can someone help me with this facebook problem.? - unicorn - 11-29-2013 06:15 AM

Does the chat history still remain there after we un-friend someone. What happens when we add them as a friend again?

P.S. ten points for best answer.

P.P.S. sorry for my English.
I meant can the person I unfriended still see the messages I sent him.
I accidentally sent some rubbish to someone on fb and I don't want him to see it so I'm thinking of unfriending him and then again send a friend request which I'm sure he would accept

- Prince$$ - 11-29-2013 06:24 AM

yes the chat history still remains,but that person is unable to see your wall..
If you add them again,he can see your wall again!

- Vikram - 11-29-2013 06:25 AM

I'll answer you in a perfect and easy way but rate me full,

Eg 1; A and B are friends on facebook, they keep chatting for months and months on facebook.

Now A unfriended B,

Now 'B' Dosn't know 'A' unfriended him, B tries to find 'A' in his friends list,

B can't find 'A' but can see his name in his messages,

Now if B clicks on A s name he can see his profile as ADD friend.

Now if B clicks on add again then if A accepts his request then everytime when both are online they can see each other as online, or theyll not appear online to each other when both are online.

- Aditya - 11-29-2013 06:29 AM

yes history will remain until you didn't clear the chat window (if you are asking about only your chat)

- Dani - 11-29-2013 06:44 AM

After removing the friend, you cannot see the friend chat history.

After adding again , if you see the message still , you can clear by going to message notification >> go to particular person >>click the drop down in the action >> delete conversation.
then messages will be cleared for ever.

- Jay - 11-29-2013 06:50 AM

Yes, the chat history still remains there in your account if you will un-friend someone.