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Is it illegal to send photos of other people to other people? - Printable Version

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Is it illegal to send photos of other people to other people? - Emma - 11-29-2013 08:51 AM

I found a pic of someone (fb dp) who was sort of cyber-bullying my friend and I gave it to her to send to him, just saying "hi friend" to freak him out a little and to leave her alone. He (12) says it's violating his human rights and says he will sue me? Sounds like a load of BS but paranoid me is worrying.

- Cheyenne - 11-29-2013 09:06 AM

No it's not illegal.

- Duncan - 11-29-2013 09:20 AM

No it is not illegal.

"In Australia the taking and publication of a person's photograph, without their consent or knowledge but within the limitations outlined below, is not an invasion of privacy, nor is it in contravention of case or statute law."

If he is 12 years old he would be unlikely to be able to sue anyone. If he has a Facebook account he should be reported and have the account deleted...

- elizabeth - 11-29-2013 09:32 AM

Yes, it is illegal to send photos of other people. Sorry.

- Fred - 11-29-2013 09:35 AM

It is if you did not have his permission but so is bullying. "sort-of" sounds as if they were not being bullied but just did not like something he said. You are definitely guilty of breach of data protection laws. But what should happen if this was really bullying, was that he should be reported. Have you seen the number of suicides or attempted suicides round the world due to cyber bullying?

- Daniel - 11-29-2013 09:41 AM

Depends on How your Doing it if Your Just Sending it its No Big Deal if your Sending it to Bully Someone or Annoy Someone Than it Can Be Considered Cyber Bullying its Not illegal But it Is Against the Terms of Service Tho to Cyber Bully