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When is too soon to Add someone as a Facebook friend? - Printable Version

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When is too soon to Add someone as a Facebook friend? - WeatherZ - 11-29-2013 11:02 AM

When do you think is too soon to add someone as a "friend" on Facebook
Do you think it matters ?
Have you ever added someone you never spoke to before?
Have you added someone you never introduced yourself to?
Do you add people you don't know?

- Talbot - 11-29-2013 11:15 AM

it doesnt matter, dont worry.

- pri✍ - 11-29-2013 11:25 AM

Don't fall into the stupid belief that the more you have friends the more you're popular. Be friend with someone in FB means you open yourself to them. Just add people who you're comfortable with.

- Excessivecrib745 - 11-29-2013 11:39 AM

I only add friends, family, or someone I know.

- john - 11-29-2013 11:41 AM

It doesn't matter. Some people add people they've only spoken to once, briefly. Other people keep their accounts to close friends and family only.

Different people do it differently, so you should just do whatever works best for you.