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Fake facebook account of me? - Printable Version

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Fake facebook account of me? - RAPTOR - 11-29-2013 01:50 PM

Too start this story off im not on facebook and never have been!
Today at school my friends told me that there was a facebook account of me with my correct location and school on it and as im not on facebook they know its not me and its fake.
Apparently the account was sending random people bad messages.
When i got home i told my mum about it just as something to say but now shes overreacted and called the police!
I was just wondering is she correct to call the police or is she overreacting?
Also apparently some of the people who recived the messages from the fake account think its actually me and apparently want to beat me up! Now im scared to go school:/
Any answers/advice would be appreciated

- Khalekuzzaman - 11-29-2013 02:05 PM

Change your fake address then your id can be real.

- Kittysue - 11-29-2013 02:18 PM

Tell everyone at school that you DO NOT have a Facebook account and the police are now involved in investigating who set it up
Have all of your friends report the fake profile - the more people who report it, the faster it will be removed
It's illegal for someone to impersonate you online - it's privacy invasion, copyright infringment if they used your photos without permission, libel if they posted anything untrue about you, etc

- Duncan - 11-29-2013 02:23 PM

Report it to Facebook...

"How do I report a fake account that’s pretending to be me if I don't have a Facebook account?"

and they will remove it. The police will inform you of any criminal offences that have occurred and will commencement a prosecution of the perpetrators.

- Daniel - 11-29-2013 02:27 PM

She is Correct to Call the Police She is Concerned for your Safety Especially if the Fake Account Knows Where you Live and Everything you Never Know Whos Behind That Account