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Face Book friend request unknown? - Printable Version

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Face Book friend request unknown? - Catherine - 11-30-2013 02:01 AM

I sent a friend a friends request on Face Book and It's been days and I went to there Face Book page and the friends request showed that I did send it ,But my question is if they did not except the request would the friends request still be open .How can I found out if they don't want to be my friend on Face Book with out asking them in person.

- abraXus - 11-30-2013 02:02 AM

they dont have to accept it or deny it - they can just choose to leave it pending, maybe they were busy and havent been able to decide to accept it or not, or they are worried about what you will think if they deny your request, so they just leave it pending so you will never know what they think

just ask them in person about it if you care that much about it - if they didnt approve it right away tho, there's obviously a reason for that, and it's not going to feel good to know that reason no matter what it is