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Should I delete him off Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I delete him off Facebook? - sk8ter punk :p - 11-30-2013 05:54 AM

He pissed me off last night and I updated a status "Well you're getting unfriended" and he liked it. We're not "talking" anymore. I'm super pissed. Should I or not?

- Computers - 11-30-2013 06:00 AM

He liked his own status? That deserves an unfriend in itself.

Unfriend him, then you can say YOU unfriended him

- Me I Am - 11-30-2013 06:12 AM

Yes, sounds like too much angsty drama to me.

- Sharkee58 - 11-30-2013 06:14 AM

sounds like a lot of drama. Ultimately it's your decision to make but whatever you decide stick to your guns and don't let him make more drama. hope that helps. Sad

- lady - 11-30-2013 06:25 AM

Yes totally girl GO DELETE HIM!

- ? - 11-30-2013 06:40 AM

Don't, just don't talk to him and live your own life, you'll probably look a bit, well, stupid if you just unfriend someone because he pissed you off, don't show mich emotions, don't show that you care all that much, just ignore it and him, unless it was something "more" than friendship, which is a completely different thing...

- Gabriel - 11-30-2013 06:45 AM

what kinda relationship do you have with him? remember everyone has fights and its not a big thing. You guys will work it out soon enough. just give it some time and talk it out later

- Maria - 11-30-2013 07:00 AM

You said he 'pissed you off last night' but how did you feel this morning ?? 'Super Pissed' cause he had 'liked' what you had said about unfriending him. You only said you were going to do it cos you were annoyed with him at the time - he only 'liked' it cos he was annoyed with you at the time. If you REALLY wanted to unfriend him you would have done it by now and would not be asking us and if he had REALLY liked it, he would have already 'unfriended' you. If there was no such thing as Facebook, you would have both stewed on it overnight and forgotten about it in the morning. Unless he has done something really unforgivable, don't do something you might regret and lose a friend. Neither of you sound as if you really want to end this friendship - it was just a 'knee jerk' reaction we ALL suffer from from time to time.

- Nainika - 11-30-2013 07:03 AM

I think you should be the mature one and not delete him. I don't think you should have made that status update in the first place, it's silly to splash passive-aggressive messages on social media in your anger.