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What is the most effective form of online marketing a new business can do? - Printable Version

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What is the most effective form of online marketing a new business can do? - Dustin ** - 10-13-2012 05:01 PM

Some examples would be (but not limited to) Social Networks, Search, or Banners ads? Given you know your target clientele, what would be the most effective solution?

- handyman - 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Those sponsored links that appear on the right side of search results have proven to be a very effective way of reaching a specific audience. Most people I know have clicked on them while they were searching for products or services. The only issue would be how cost effective that form of advertising would be.

- AVS - 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Too hard to answer on a forum like this without knowing your business goals, products/services, competition, etc..
If you are looking for targeted customers quickly, paid search is probably your best bet.
then slowly add social, affiliate, social, etc.. You will want to at least test all channels and then have them all work together as one.

- louie o - 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Honestly? You have to pay for it (not too expensive) but I would have to go with googleAdds. give that a shot because using that can get you access to thousands of clicks per day (and you don't pay for your add being placed, you only pay when people click on your add to go to your page). Other than that social networks are probably pretty good. I wish I got money for every add I clicked on when i was on MySpace. lol.

- Emel8 - 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

There are many options but I always get a good result from my email marketing campaigns. These can be very easy to send and to track results, and many are very low cost. Word of mouth advertising is the best and there is no better then existing customers (even if there aren't many at first) spreading your business' name to others, good luck!

- fida2000 - 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Ok, first marketing is really broad. What form of marketing to use? Well that basically depends on your product/service, niche, who are your target markets, and etc.

Try checking out

Good Luck!