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What Is The Point Of Twitter?!!? - Printable Version

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What Is The Point Of Twitter?!!? - bow - 11-30-2013 03:34 PM

so I literally just made a twitter and I do not get the point of it. So I wrote up a tweet and I don't know what to hastag it and I don't know how to get followers or anything ?? help me please

- Angie - 11-30-2013 03:38 PM

Sounds like you have nothing to say. You'll fit right in with the twitter crowd.

- Daniel - 11-30-2013 03:54 PM

The Point of Twitter is to Update your Status in 140 Characters or Less to Get Followers you Have to Follow People a Good Way to Get Followers For People That will Most Likely to Follow you Back is Follow People From #TeamFollowBack

Hashtags Are Used To Mention a Topic So Lets Say my Tweet is About yankees my hash Tag Would be #Yankees

- Aaron Kuenzi - 11-30-2013 03:58 PM

to make you think your popular

- Georgia - 11-30-2013 04:06 PM

Well if you are part of a fan base this helps a lot, like if you are a fan on any music artists or film starts follow the, by searching their name. Follow people who also express the same likes as you and retweet their tweets so they may follow you back.

- Norah - 11-30-2013 04:16 PM

follow your favorite bands or artists or actors, actresses. ask some friends if they have a twitter and tell them to make one. i use mine to connect with my friends and to see what they're doing. most people think twitter is useless (i used to think so also) but that's the only social network i use at the moment. try using hashtags and talk about things maybe people would be interested in.