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Liked a FB photo by mistake, will my girl see it in her news feed? - Printable Version

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Liked a FB photo by mistake, will my girl see it in her news feed? - Jonboy - 11-30-2013 06:43 PM

I was scrolling on my iPhone Facebook app and hit like on someone's photo, it just so happened to be a bikini beach photo :/

Will my GF see this on her newsfeed?
I unliked it immediately

- AQUARIUS LEgEND - 11-30-2013 06:56 PM

YEA AND SHES GONNA SAY omg what I cant believe he likes my picture ...I cant believe he liked my picture hes such a fool...omg wow he actually liked my foto

- pri✍ - 11-30-2013 07:07 PM

No, unless she happened to see it in that second before you unlike it, which is unlikely.

- Daniel - 11-30-2013 07:23 PM

No She Wont See it Because you Unliked it That Removes it Immediately

- Ryan - 11-30-2013 07:40 PM

It would show up in the top right slide thing for that split second. If she was watching it at the time then she would see it but if not then you're good.

As for the person you liked. It'll show they have a new notification showing you liked the picture but when they click on it nothing will be there, and they'll probably be confused. But if she's a hot a girl posting bikini pictures then likely every time she logs in she'll have 20 new notifications for people liking pictures and commenting and such.

It's funny. I had my computer stolen and didn't get it back for a week. I had no internet access for a week and when I logged back in I had 2 notifications. And one was an invite to some band show.

I know a girl (a really hot blonde) who has so many people texting/calling her that she has to have two phones. One for her family and immediate friends. And the other one for the other people. She showed me her facebook and she would get so many notifications that she would stop clicking on it to see who said what. She hadn't checked her facebook in three days and showed it to me and she had over 300 notifications.

- miz077 - 11-30-2013 07:51 PM


- Khalekuzzaman - 11-30-2013 08:06 PM

Search that photo again and unlike that .