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A female hacker said this about me to other people in a Facebook Group chat.? - Printable Version

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A female hacker said this about me to other people in a Facebook Group chat.? - HandsomeG - 11-30-2013 08:20 PM

What does it mean? Can she see everything I'm doing? Does she have my pass words? She says she cane destroy my computer whatever she wants, can this situation be avoided even if she has my data?

An what is data? What does she mean by that?

- Saikat - 11-30-2013 08:33 PM

She means she can access to your personal data. Like messages of facebook, email, Credit cards information, location etc. Two things can happen. She was just trying to freak you out or she is serious. If she is really serious then things could go bad. She might have your password, and if she really has that she will know everything she wants about you and your personal data. There is a very good solution and that is change your password immediately. If you change the password she might not be able to track you anymore. But there is another problem. If you are using a pc or computer then she can set some programs or softwares like Keylogger. That software will get every thing you write on your pc. Reinstall your browser and clear cookies regularly. Do not go to any fraud website. When you log into any internet account checkout the address if it is right out wrong. If wrong like (, phishing) don't login to those. Be careful always. There is many other process like "brute force" from which it's impossible to hide. However, Use long and strong password like "#!()45sgytg')(_"+%"§ which will take years to crack. Good Luck. :-)