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Can't Access my facebook account? - Printable Version

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Can't Access my facebook account? - kinq - 11-30-2013 08:42 PM

It happened like this:I was blocked from sending friend request for two days,then when i tried cancelling all friend request i sent,it shows me something that reads ''something went wrong pls try again later''.This has been happening for like three days now,dunno what to do,will it reads like that forever??.I really need to get into my account.

- Alex - 11-30-2013 08:48 PM

If your account is temporarily blocked from sending friend requests, it may be because friend requests you’ve sent have gone unanswered or been marked as unwelcome. In the future, you should send friend requests to people you have a real-life connection to, like your friends, family, coworkers, or classmates. Make sure to use your real name and picture to help the people you’re messaging recognize you.
If you’re interested in receiving updates from people you find interesting, but don’t know personally (ex: journalists, celebrities, political figures), try following them instead of sending them friend requests.”

That’s smart advice. If you have a photo of a tree and a name like “John Doe” or “Your Best Friend”, then even if it’s all legit and an inside joke among your circle, you’re still quite likely to have those friend request rejected and people tag you as unknown potential spammer.

Otherwise, if you’re shooting out friend requests to people you’ve met in passing, well, then you need to be more memorable or perhaps wait for them to friend request you.

Good luck. Two days isn’t that long time to wait. Next time it’ll be 30 days, so be careful with your requests!

- Daniel - 11-30-2013 09:02 PM

Please Contact Facebook at the Help Center and Report the Problem To Them its a Error With Facebook Only They Can Fix It Until They Fix it you may Not Be Able to Return To your Account

- Shriekingsnail362 - 11-30-2013 09:06 PM

hey this happened to me to I think we have to just wait till our block period is over.. so that when we log in there is no need of answering any feedback.. how many days has this been happenin to you?