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How often do you back up your photos? - Printable Version

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How often do you back up your photos? - AUNZ Flickr Team - 12-01-2013 06:28 AM

It has happened to the most of us. One fatal computer error and years of precious memories wiped off. How do you ensure you don't lose your digital photos?
1 terabyte of free storage:

- pri✍ - 12-01-2013 06:30 AM

Depends on how many you're willing to lose between back up periodic.

- Big Mo - 12-01-2013 06:45 AM

I haven't for 5 years.

- Rob - 12-01-2013 07:01 AM

I have a full copy of photos and music on 3 different computers and a separate hard drive with the main machine back up stored in a different building

- hexensnacht - 12-01-2013 07:06 AM

Keep copies at secondary locations .. eg. a cheap USB drive at your friends or family's house.
Cloud based systems are ok, but remember that sites like Flickr (advertised above) will be selling access to your images to marketing advertisers and government agencies.
When you upload something to a cloud based system whoever owns that server space can and does actively access your data. If your ok with that, use cloud based systems. If your not, invest in your own solution and update it periodically.
Note : privacy issues for data in cloud based systems is a fact of life these days, it's more that you should be aware and understand it rather then be horrified by it.

- Eric - 12-01-2013 07:22 AM

Every once in a while. I back them up using online drives (e.g. Google drive), on both my computers, and on an external hard drive.

- Robert - 12-01-2013 07:26 AM

Every day except for the new zealand ones, I delete those immediately.

- Avishek - 12-01-2013 07:30 AM


- James - 12-01-2013 07:35 AM

On my server.