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Did I do the right thing? - Printable Version

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Did I do the right thing? - Erin Eden - 12-01-2013 07:47 AM

Recently people have been messaging me on facebook telling me that they don't care about things I post and that I post a load of bullshit and everything, so all the hate got too much for me so I deactivated my accounts and made a completely new one and only added people I think care about me and the things I post (like, if it doesn't bother them)

Did I do the right thing or am I overreacting?

- Jack - 12-01-2013 08:01 AM

That depends... what kind of stuff do you post about?

But really the odds are good that it was a good decision: I mean, why would you even have people on your profile that aren't your real friends anyway?

- Horrid B - 12-01-2013 08:03 AM

You should have told the haters to unfriend you, or unfollow your posts. Anyone can hide any posts or future posts people make. But, if people are saying they dont care, why are they your fb friends anyway? I would be slightly hurt if people msged me that, but you should also consider their complaints. Are you one of those people that make sensless posts of everything and anything all day? If thats the case I can see their point. Then again, they could have just hidden your posts!

- Dee - 12-01-2013 08:05 AM

It's your account and you can post whatever you please. If they don't like it, they can remove you as a friend or hide your posts from their newsfeed. If someone doesn't like what I post, I get rid of them.

If you don't play any games, then it's no biggie to create a new account. I play a couple and would never want to start over.