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Why did my Addthis FB Like counter reset to zero? - Printable Version

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Why did my Addthis FB Like counter reset to zero? - Manuel - 12-03-2013 06:30 AM

Each of my blog posts has standard Addthis sharing buttons which display counters for Google+ recommendations, Twitter tweets, and Facebook Likes, in that order. They are located just below post title. I was shocked when I saw the FB likes counter just this morning and until now displaying "0". I have tried to open more of my blog posts and all of them has "0" count on their "FB Like" button. The highest count of my "FB Like" was 500+ for one of my viral posts. I am very very worried. How come it happens? Please help me. Is there anything that I should do or any code that I must add to my html to correct this error?

I will be very very thankful if you could help me. Anyone, please? Thank you so much in advance.

- Daniel - 12-03-2013 06:34 AM

If it Reset to 0 When it was Higher Before its Probably a Error With Facebook you Cant Fix it Only the Facebook Team Can