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How do I change who can see my posts on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I change who can see my posts on Facebook? - Queen Bri - 12-03-2013 12:32 PM

So I want to post something on Facebook from my iPad but I dont want my family members to see it not that its anything bad i just want only my friends to see it.
So basically what I did was go to the status button press the settings and on the list [that says publc, friends, etc] the custom button says everyone can see except so and so
How do I change this to where I can put certain people to see it
I tried the help setting that didnt help


- pri✍ - 12-03-2013 12:39 PM

You already in the right track, set the audience setting to Custom; with that you get the option to tell FB whom you want to not see the posting.

Now, if your concern is you don't want your family to see that, then tell that to FB.
Go to your Newsfeed, click FRIENDS category, then click Family list. Add your family in that list.

Now in Custom setting, you just put Family list in the 'not seen/share by/to'.

Okay? Good luck.