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How to Get More Twitter Followers? - Printable Version

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How to Get More Twitter Followers? - Craig - 09-30-2012 04:40 PM

I got a Twitter account a few months ago and I was wondering if anyone had any tips about how to get more followers. I already promise to follow anyone who follows me so don't say that. If you have a Twitter, please follow me:
Best answer will go to whoever gives me good advice and follows me.

- Vanisha - 09-30-2012 04:48 PM

thanks friend

- Molly - 09-30-2012 04:48 PM

You could say some really funny things or post funny pictures. You could also tell more people you know about our Twitter and ask them to follow you.

- Nikki - 09-30-2012 04:48 PM

Well, I suggest looking up 'RT for a shout out' in tweets, and retweet all of the tweets that say that. If you retweet it, the person who posted it will give you a shout out, mentioning your name, which makes you become more popular. Next, always give a goal and a promise. For example, I promise to make a video thanking you all if I get too 250 followers! This works quite well. Another thing is you could try mentioning a lot of people, which makes them like you. Make lots of friends and use trends in your tweets a lot. Last thing that might work would be the follower train. Research it on google and do it if you are okay wiith following random people. Good luck, hope this helps!

- A. R. - 09-30-2012 04:48 PM

People tend to follow people who are already perceived as popular, and one way to do that is by purchasing a good bulk of followers first. This is so that when you start following people for a follow-back, first-time visitors to your page will most likely follow/like your page. They're joining the bandwagon, so to speak. Try a service like, they can increase your likes/followers in just a matter of hours.