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Need some Facebook help? - Printable Version

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Need some Facebook help? - Apurva - 12-04-2013 07:04 PM

I want to find email IDs of some Facebook users. I can't use the chat method because they are not my friend, they also do not have their email address given in their contact information, and don't tell me to ping the their facebook username URl because it shows up an error. PLS help I need to knoe the email Id of these people as they messed up with my account. Pls tell if a software can do this - not paid. Pls Pls help

Thank you,
Apurv Nagar(Co founder and admin of - )

- Vasant - 12-04-2013 07:14 PM

There is no way to find such friends email ID. No software will help you in this case. You can secure your facebook account check out the link

Also you can report such ID to facebook or block same method describe in this article ""