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random facebook account hacked? - Printable Version

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random facebook account hacked? - Gary J - 12-05-2013 06:46 AM

Whenever I'm about to log into Facebook, I see a random person's email address where I
I'm supposed to enter mine. Even when I sign out, the email address ( is usually there. What does that mean? Is my account hacked or something? I changed my password and everything.

- Sean Dobbins - 12-05-2013 07:01 AM

Do you live with other people that use the same computer?

- Bkrayzay - 12-05-2013 07:09 AM

If you allow other people to use that computer, they are most likely accessing FB during their time online as well. What this does is when THEY log out, FB will present the LAST email address that successfully logged in from that computer. So you log out, walk away, your roommate (or anyone you are living with) comes along and logs on POOF you now have an email address you don't recognize logged into FB. If your FB got hacked your password would have most likely been changed, and there would be nothing on your computer to show you it got hacked....meaning if I were to hack your FB (usually done through social engineering tools in Backtrack5) you would NEVER EVER see my email address on your computer when logging in since I NEVER entered my email into that computer physically. Additionally if your account WAS hacked you would OBVIOUSLY see YOUR email address in the window since the account is tied to that email, another email will FAIL to access YOUR FaceBook. You're fine, just watch out about allowing other people to use YOUR computer (I have my own computer, no one else in my house owns one, if ANYTHING needs to be googled I do it for them to prevent others from using MY machine)