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I forgot my username for Instagram but i do know my password but cant login without username? - Printable Version

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I forgot my username for Instagram but i do know my password but cant login without username? - A proud black American patriot - 12-07-2013 05:56 AM

is there anyway or option to find out my username? I remember my password and email but not the username?

- Jordynn - 12-07-2013 06:01 AM

have a friend who follows you or you follow come over and use their instagram to find your name. there are many ways to do it.

1) go to the photos your friend has liked (if they've ever liked any of yours) and scroll through them until you find one that you recognize as yours. this may take patience but it is worth trying if nothing else works out.

2) go to the search tab and search up your name or what you might have had as your username.

3) have your friend scroll through the main menu where everyone's recent posts are shown. if you have posted something recently then this might help.

4) check your friend's photos. if you can remember liking any of them, go to one and click "__ people like this". your username may show up in the list of likers.

there are probably more ways to find out your lost username but these are the most basic. good luck. if it doesn't work out, you can always try to email the instagram staff.