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Samsung Note II Is getting on my nerves!? - Printable Version

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Samsung Note II Is getting on my nerves!? - Carra - 12-07-2013 06:54 AM

So my Samsung Note II remembers EVERYTHING I EVER typed on Facebook!

If I have commented on someone's status and typed "LMAO! That is hilarious!" Then I start to type "LMA.." the first LMAO comment and any other that I've previously typed pops up.

I have even allowed my best friend to accesses her Facebook account ONE TIME and when I'm typing my email address in to login hers pops up too!

How do I stop this stupid phone from remembering everything I typed on Facebook, Its driving me up the wall!

- bena2005 - 12-07-2013 06:54 AM

just get an iphone

- Daniel - 12-07-2013 07:07 AM

Its Part of your Phones Feature you Can Not Stop it