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How can I get instagram followers instantly? - Printable Version

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How can I get instagram followers instantly? - befahn - 12-08-2013 01:03 AM

How can i get instagram followers instantly? Is there a free app?

- Derrick - 12-08-2013 01:14 AM

Post provocative pictures of yourself and you will have guys following you left, right and centre. That is if you're a girl.

- sewrobb - 12-08-2013 01:23 AM

No there isn't a free application and there is no magic formula either.

You'll just have to follow people.

If they're interested, they'll you follow back

- sunny - 12-08-2013 01:32 AM

follow these this link

- Daniel - 12-08-2013 01:37 AM

There is No App That will Get you Followers instantly to Get more Followers you have to Post Good Photos Try Using Hashtags in your Photos And Follow other People As Well

- Angeleyes - 12-08-2013 01:44 AM

No there isn't any free apps, the best you can do is follow people and get them to follow you by posting interesting things and photo's etc.,

- Ash - 12-08-2013 01:50 AM

Get people with more followers to give you a 'shoutout' - basically sharing one of your photos on their page asking their followers to follow youSmile

- Paula - 12-08-2013 01:55 AM

no sadly their isnt

i currently have almost 6.6k followers on ig ( @asvpnx3 ) and i go on shoutpages, follow the people following the page cause i know they will definetly follow back Tongue then after they follow you just unfollow them back if youd like (':

and for likes, i dont do this, but i have this app called TagForLikes, its available for android and apple, and you coppy the tags on it, and paste it on my photos. make sure your not private, and only 30 tags are allowed per pic. hope this helped (:

- i follow backk

- Chuck - 12-08-2013 02:07 AM

Nothing is easy in this line struggle is most important part. you can use hashtag , share on facebook , other social media etc. don't forget to share good stuff there or if you want a first push you can get followers from sites but most are spam. i remember one of them that provide real human instead of computer generated followers try link below. GOOD LUCK and work hard.

- roland - 12-08-2013 02:09 AM

Follow more people to get follower back.