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If someone is blocked from my Facebook can they still see me in a tag? - Printable Version

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If someone is blocked from my Facebook can they still see me in a tag? - loulou199 - 12-08-2013 01:09 AM

If i blocked Mary and she's friends with Jack (a mutual friend), can she see my tag on Jack's page when i tag him somewhere with me?

What if Sue, who is friends with me, Jack, and Mary (Mary is still blocked) tags me and Jack with her somewhere. Will Mary be able to see that i was with Sue and Jack?

- JAMES I - 12-08-2013 01:20 AM

No they shouldn't be able to see it. Smile

- Katy - 12-08-2013 01:30 AM

- No, she can't see your tag on Jack's page because you're the one who uploaded the picture and you've blocked her.

- If it's a picture, she can see it because it was Sue who uploaded the picture but if it's a tag (status or checkin), she won't be able to see your name. Only Jack's.

- Video Games - 12-08-2013 01:33 AM

You made the question a but more complicated the simple answere is that.

when you block someone from you account and he is a mutual friend of your friend.He can't see your name or tag.

Some apps you use may allow them to see that other than that facebook don't allow that.

Sometime they can see it but they can't click on your name it is visible but greyed out.