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How can I mark a private Facebook message as unread on my android phone? - Printable Version

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How can I mark a private Facebook message as unread on my android phone? - btterfly1234 - 12-08-2013 08:40 AM

I like to read my messages, and if I don't have time to respond to them right then, I mark them as unread and that way I remember to reply later. On my laptop, I can click on the message, click on the actions button, and mark the message as unread. However, on my smartphone, there is no actions button. And I cannot find anyway to mark the message unread. Is there a way to do this?? Thank you!

- Jonathan - 12-08-2013 08:51 AM

You can't, that's the whole point of the new feature they implemented - so that people can see if you read their message or not. To be able to select it as unread would defeat the object.