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How can I hack my boyfriends facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I hack my boyfriends facebook? - Kim B - 12-08-2013 11:30 AM

Its a long distance relationship&I've got a feeling hes cheating on me. I really need to get onto his facebook and see his messages, as hes been adding random girls from around the UK? Help would be appreciated! I dont know his email as he wont tell me

Please help!

- Boobear - 12-08-2013 11:33 AM

I don't know but you can Google it.
You should just talk to your boyfriend about it.. maybe ask for his Facebook account password? If he has nothing to hide, he should give it to you.
Or just talk to him about it.

- Likely one - 12-08-2013 11:37 AM

I wouldn't give my girlfriend my Facebook password even if I didn't have anything to hide. You honestly shouldn't be dating someone you don't trust even if he isn't cheating on you.

- Deane - 12-08-2013 11:53 AM

You thirsty?

- Daniel - 12-08-2013 12:01 PM

You can Not Hack His Account Without Knowing at least His Email Address and Hacking By the Way is Not Legal He is Smart That Hes Not Giving you His Email Address

If you Dont Trust Him Than i Would Recommend Breaking up With Him

- dogsolitude_uk - 12-08-2013 12:03 PM

Errrmmm... If you're resorting to these measures it's a sign that the relationship has turned toxic. *Nobody* should be hacking anyone else's facebook, reading their diaries or text messages or listening into their phone calls.

If you have a problem, then be adult and upfront about it rather than sneaking round the back door in a passive-aggressive manner.

If I got wind of someone hacking my accounts that would be an instant dumping offence I'm afraid.

- galaxy_ - 12-08-2013 12:12 PM

Hacking is illegal and you can get warnings from the cops.
I will rather make a fake girl account and add your boyfriend. After that flirt with him and see if he actually accepts your flirt or says "I have a girlfriend"

- Daryl - 12-08-2013 12:29 PM

wow sounds like a very healthy relationship you have going on there... seriously stop acting like a child... confront him about it, and next time you want to have a relationship with someone when this relationship breaks up (which it will because there is obviously trust issues so what's the point in a relationship) make sure you get one a little bit more local because as I say relationships are about trust and spending time together not about hacking into their facebook because that is low plus illegal