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Girlfriend Joining Sorority? - Printable Version

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Girlfriend Joining Sorority? - dan - 12-08-2013 11:57 AM

So my girlfriend and I have been dating since our sophomore year in highschool and we are now freshman at the same college. We have had a good and very trusting relationship over the next few years and we love eachother. She began rushing sororities these last few weeks and is just about to pledge to her favorite one with her dorm roomates. I am honestly a little worried!

So I have asked my older friends around campus what its like at sororities I always here stories of how much they party and that all the frat dudes are always trying to have sex with them and get them super drunk at their parties. Honestly I feel like my girlfriend is much better looking than me and I know dudes hit on her but she has never even given me the slightest reason to not trust her around other guys.

Anyways Im just nervous because I dont want this sorority life to change her into a crazy party every night girl that wont have time for me anymore because it seems like the greek life really changes people! I understand wanting to go out and party because ive been out doing it too I just really want some helpful advice on how to handle this situation and how I should feel about my girlfriend joining a sorority!

- fiddz23 - 12-08-2013 11:57 AM

Not all sorities and fraternities party all the time. You don't have to worry that much i mean you said that she's never gave you the slightest reason not to trust her

You just have to worry that you have enough time to be with her while she pledges cus it's very time consuming

- robm425 - 12-08-2013 12:09 PM

If you trust her you have nothing to worry about. Joining a sorority or fraternity does not change a person. If they were going to cheat on your they would do it if they either were or not in a sorority.

Stories are just that stories, most of them are far from the truth. I am willing to bet most of your older friends are not in greek life, so I wouldn't even trust a thing they say.

If you truly trust her let her do what she wants. If she hasn't cheated on you yet chances are she won't cheat on you.