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Is there such thing as privacy when you are online? - Printable Version

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Is there such thing as privacy when you are online? - Kayla - 12-08-2013 05:04 PM

I feel like we think that things are private,when really they can be dug up at any time,every little comment and every little thing that you watched or read or said online.

- Jane - 12-08-2013 05:11 PM

Honestly NO

- Ryan - 12-08-2013 05:25 PM

for your average everyday user, no. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you type into the internet is being stored and cataloged somewhere else. Those saved files are then being backed up several times. So even if you go and delete what you've said, it's too late. It's already out there. Who has access to that info can be controlled, for the most part, but as far as you having your own privacy, no you do not. There are methods to mask your info, make it look like something else, or appear to not be there, but not very many people know how to do that.

- Danceislife♥ - 12-08-2013 05:40 PM

Yes, to untrained people who just want to communicate.

No, to highly trained hackers and law enforcement, colleges.. Nothing on the Internet ever leaves..

- Big Red Dog - 12-08-2013 05:46 PM

Nope. Unless you use a VPN service.

- Maria - 12-08-2013 06:01 PM

I sometimes think yes because of passwords and using fake names etc, but then I remember IP addresses and how sly the government is. I like to live by the rule that everything I ever post online isn't something that would be utterly tragic if everyone found out. Just in case.

- Daniel - 12-08-2013 06:17 PM

Yes There are On Facebook if you Use the Privacy Settings Correctly you Can Hide your Information

- Angeleyes - 12-08-2013 06:33 PM

Even though sites say your details are private, you really don't know whether they use people's info or not. I don't feel there is such a thing as privacy online, unless you hide details or don't reveal some much info about yourself.