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YOU MUST BE 16 FOR HAVING A FB ACCOUNT? - Anastasia - 12-09-2013 06:00 AM

hey there! I went to the seaside last week-end and I met some people from Liverpool. We had a great time together!!! At the end I asked the oldest lad for his fb page. He said he doesn't have one but he wrote his name down for me anyway lol. Well I was quite surprised when he told me that you must be 16 years old for having fb in the UK! My cousin (we live in Italy) has fb and he's only 8!!!!
does it mean I have to wait 2 damn years? >Sad

P.S. I LOVE YOU BRITISH PEOPLE!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
omg his name was joe too! lol
and i just want to know is it true that if you're not 16 it's illegal having fb?
awwww joe the lad of my dreamsss

- Sara - 12-09-2013 06:04 AM

You can just make up your birth year and put your normal month and day. (Ex: You were born january 1st, 1999. You can make it up that you were born january 1st, 1997.) Facebook will never know!

- Joe - 12-09-2013 06:13 AM

I'm 14 but have an FB account .-. I don't fake the e-mail and do nothing

- Saravana - 12-09-2013 06:27 AM

No,u can have a facebook account at the age of 13 yrs old according to the facebook terms of policy or limitations. . .
Its better to create an account to check u can have a fb account . . .
And u can chat with our friends happily

- Duncan - 12-09-2013 06:40 AM

13 is the age limit for a Facebook account (14 in Spain). This is due to the legal requirements of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act...'s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act

The 8 year old should have the account closed or be reported to Facebook...

- quietnorth668 - 12-09-2013 06:56 AM

I am in the US, and of course the legal age
here is 13. But, I have a neighbor kid that is
11 years old and has a Face Book.
So if you really want Face Book, then you can
get it. Just change the year of your birth date.
to show that you are 16.

- Angeleyes - 12-09-2013 07:06 AM

The legal age for having a facebook account is 13.

- Elise - 12-09-2013 07:13 AM

According to the site you have to be 13 to have a facebook account.
No one really pays attention to this though, when creating an account you can simply change your date of birth to say you're over 13, then you can change it when you actually turn 13.