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Why does my facebook windows keep freezing? - Printable Version

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Why does my facebook windows keep freezing? - CLEWY - 12-11-2013 05:01 AM

It only happens on facebook, my ebay and emails are alright

- Bruce - 12-11-2013 05:03 AM

I'm going to do a couple of guesses here. It's like going to the doctor's office and giving your symptoms and then the doctor gives you a dozen things that "might" be the problem and then it's up to you to decide which fits. Ok, I have XP and IE6 and my pc freezes too. I have dialup. When I go to the library and they have IE8 (I doubt if they have XP because XP is outdated now) but theirs freezes too and they have wifi. So my thoughts are that it's a problem at the Facebook level. Have you reported that bug to Facebook?

My Facebook page has been hacked twice in the last few weeks. I'm thinking that when Facebook freezes that it's because there is an "attempt" to hack going on. Right now my Facebook is down so I know someone got in there. I've also checked my pc for viruses and trojans and there are none.

Early on when I put my pc thru Micro Trend's Housecall it tells me there is some malware going on. I'm thinking since it's repetitive that it has something to do with windows and XP. I just need a new computer with current programs. Maybe your mom's computer is glitching because of windows and XP too.