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How to take pictures like this? - Printable Version

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How to take pictures like this? - Noctis - 12-12-2013 03:49 AM
how to take pics like this nd do u think they use photoshop

- Zman - 12-12-2013 03:54 AM

Adobe Photoshop/Creative Suite (CS) are great photo editing programs but also quite expensive. When I needed help in the past I used Gimp which was free.

Plenty of video tutorials out there on how to do just about anything on YouTube if you need help (like I did).

- Nahum - 12-12-2013 03:58 AM

The images were likely edited, but probably not with Photoshop. A lot of free or inexpensive photo apps and "template" editor websites do these sort of edits.

Most or all of these can be replicated in Photoshop's Curves tool, but it's a rather expensive way to just tweak colors.