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Is Obama the most open an honest president in recent history? - Printable Version

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Is Obama the most open an honest president in recent history? - dr huxtabul - 10-13-2012 08:20 PM

Lets see, we have a president that has spent millions to keep all of his college records sealed. What's in those records that could be so detrimental to his presidency?
Classmates don’t remember ever attending class with him at Columbia.
His social security number is from a state he never resided in and was actually issued to a man who is now deceased.
There is very strong evidence that the birth certificate on his website is a forgery.
Why is most of this just ignored by the media even FOX?
Larry G your comments are pretty much right on except for my favorite liberal and president of his union, Ronald Reagan!

- sillycreator928 - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

Oh cut the crappola!

If you are going to parrot the paranoid, you should be doing so from a whacky ward somewhere in the Cayman Islands where evil-doer Romney has hidden some of his ill-gotten gains.

- dermot - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM


- imkewl - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

You're the definition of an extremist. Ew. Get out of my country and get a life. Can't stand unclassy,uneducated Americans like you
Retarded Monkey- your name sure does tell a lot about yourself. You’re retarded. Who can take someone like you seriously when you can’t even spell liar properly?

- Retarded Monkey - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

You forgot his admin. lied about the embassy attacks. He lied to an audience of black pastors about stanford act fee waved to hurricane katrina victims, knowing damn well he voted AGAINST it being waved. Obama is a compulsive lier.

- kenbgray - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

You have everything backwards.

- xpatinasia - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

"we have a president that has spent millions to keep all of his college records sealed"
That's a lie.
"Classmates don’t remember ever attending class with him at Columbia"
That's a lie.
"His social security number is from a state he never resided in and was actually issued to a man who is now deceased."
That's a lie.
"There is very strong evidence that the birth certificate on his website is a forgery."
That's a lie.
"Why is most of this just ignored by the media even FOX?"
Because they're lies.

- nasty1 - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

It looks like the majority of these responses are from very poorly or completely uneducated kool-aid drinking Dumb-o-crats! If future governments don’t fully investigate or white wash it has they have done in so many past incidents such as building #7 or the JFK assassination, it will cause some to continue to wonder who is really in charge of this country. There are just too many questions about this man’s background for any reasonably educated person to simply ignore. The longer this lingers in the minds of intelligent Americans the more they will loose faith in the governing bodies of this country. It’s not just the TEA party that has questions about his background, I have discussed this with many democrat acquaintances that say why doesn’t he just produce is real birth certificate? If he has one why not unseal his records, what is he hiding and why? I just can’t believe how much denial xpatinas is in or maybe just has non-educated head up the reck-dumb!

- Larry G - 10-13-2012 08:28 PM

Hey lets look over the fact the birth certificate is funny and the social security number is bogus and the college is alleged and the fact that he had some rather undesirable friends.. As a kid Barry went to school in Kenya at a time they were in revolution and you had to denounce your citizen ship to reside in that country and take Kenyan citizenship uh duh any record of him getting that AMERICAN citizen ship back? none i know of
Now why is it ignored ? Because nut case is assigned to anybody that questions the great one .. You are not allowed to question him on anything ... I love to hear him compare himself to the republican Lincoln and Reagan .. When Booth put that bullet behind Lincoln's ear history says he was making plans of shipping the blacks back home.. Reagan oh i remember him well and a union labor hating sob ... so hey the ball just bounces around don't it ?