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does someone elses appearance matter to you? - Printable Version

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does someone elses appearance matter to you? - junichi - 12-12-2013 01:38 PM

why do attractive people get attention but a non attractive person doesnt

- pri✍ - 12-12-2013 01:52 PM

It's human nature to like more "attractive people" than "non attractive people", and that is the whole meaning of "attractive", it "attracts" us.

The question now, what is attract people?
Think of Whoopi Goldberg, is she attractive if she's sullen & wearing sloppy pajamas?
Sean Connery?
Angeline Jolie?
Imagine them play role of a boring person, depressed, shaky personality?

If you see frog jumping around in our bed room, what is your reaction?
Yet, we see Kermit and many other frogs cartoon, we saw them as cute & attractive in animation film.
How come? they are put/soaked with attractive personality!
That's what alter people perception, goes beyond the physical appearance, even when we become old & wrinkled, we can be attractive.

Jealousy, why I'm like this, not like that etc, is definitely not an attractive personality, and as any other inner feeling & thought, will seep out of our body, our face, for everybody to see/feel it.