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This guys using a fake profile?!? - Printable Version

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This guys using a fake profile?!? - Maria - 12-12-2013 04:46 PM

I had this friend who I met online who has been using a fake profile for a good what 3 years now? I only just found out he was fake, around a month/3 weeks ago. I tried to confront 'him' but he stopped talking to me which didn't bother me at all, but I messeged his (not so surprisingly) online girlfriend, saying he was fake and all this, because I didnt know her or anything but I didn't want another girl getting hurt. So today I thought id see if I still had him on kik, because he'd deleted and blocked me from facebook, twitter and all that, and there he is using yet another fake picture! What I'm wondering is, that I know it's a girl doing this, and I know who, but she too has blocked me from everything so I can't give any profile links, but she's 16 almost 17 and is bringing in girls to believe her and all that, what I'm saying is... is there anything more possible to do than just report the account??? It's been going on for a good 3 years and by the looks of, isn't stopping. She's pretended to be this guy, and she's gaining trust, and dating them, recieving nudes, but the people she does it too are all legal. I don't know, it scares me, is there anything that can be done about it?? They are in Essex, England and when I was one of the girls victimized, I was in Leeds, England but I moved to America, so idk if theres anything I can do from here..but he/she hasn't done anything to me apart from pretend to be someone else, used others pictures for a long period of time and they were legal and i wasn't and was still talking dirty to me and things...idk if anyone could help id be grateful! also keep checking back for additional info incase

- chevy andreino - 12-12-2013 04:57 PM

gather a larger group of people to report this person. that's the best way to do it. the more people there is, the bigger the chances to shut down his account.