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Should I unfriend my mom? - Printable Version

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Should I unfriend my mom? - Katy - 12-12-2013 08:05 PM

My mom and I got into a fight and she always tells everyone my business so that I don't have any privacy, she makes rude comments about things that I post and she's telling me she can never trust me again. I want to unfriend her but I'm afraid she'll get even more mad, Should I unfriend my mom on Facebook?

- Dylan - 12-12-2013 08:17 PM

Hi your Mum is your best friend in the world , please don't be to harsh with her , you don't want to upset her really do you , Please Take care , xx

- Rylan - 12-12-2013 08:19 PM

i had this problem when my grandma kept liking all my status updates and comments but what i did was block her and say "there must be a problem with the internet i guess" problem solved

- Danielle - 12-12-2013 08:28 PM

unfriending your mum will probably confirm to her that she 'can't trust you'.

What you can do on Facebook, is limit what she can see. E.g. When you post a status or photo from a computer, you can click a link that will 'hide' it from her. If you have things you want her to see, keep them open to her, then she won't notice that you have essentially blocked her.

This being said, remember to consider what your mum is saying. Are the things you're putting up appropriate? If they're not, then stop. If they are, you might need to approach your mum rationally and chat about it.

- curvedjail231 - 12-12-2013 08:43 PM

Don't unfriend her. You both will get over this latest fight. But it might be a good idea to go into your Facebook privacy settings and make it harder for her to see all of your stuff. Facebook won't tell her any of that, and she'll still see that you're friends.