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Does the Obama administration pay political hacks to come on social media and support his socialist agenda? - Printable Version

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Does the Obama administration pay political hacks to come on social media and support his socialist agenda? - Try2FocusDems - 10-13-2012 08:54 PM

If so-is it done out of one of the "czar's offices?"
Hey Rico-how much does it pay?

- gunwalker99 - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

Yes, that's most of the liberal shills on this board.

- CaptainObvious - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

I think they get their checks the first of the month...

- St N - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

YUP! Just like the Bush's, Regan and especially Nixon. All politicos hire people to make them look good. It's too bad the brain dead don't see the brain washing of their owners but buy right into the story that the other guy is the only one doing it.

- Rico - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

Why, do you not believe that since he was elected in one of the largest landslide victories in US history he still has supporters?

Reality check: he does. Lots.

- thepewterguy - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

He said he would... I will take him on his word on that...


- Andy F - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

Who knows. Probably, sure.

I'm a socialist myself, and a very reluctant supporter of Obama as the "lesser evil" compared to the brain-dead Republicans. But it wouldn't be at all surprising if the Obama White House were paying public relations professionals to support his administration in the social media.

I think most US presidents since Lyndon Johnson's time have been willing to abuse the powers of government to support their partisan objectives. Why should we expect Obama to be any different?

Which isn't to say it's right.

Caveat: "Socialist agenda" --?


There ain't no "socialist agenda" worth talking about, not with Obama appointing some of the same Wall Street professionals to top economic posts that George Bush appointed before him.

Whatever else you can say about him, Timothy Geithner is not a "socialist." Nor is Ben Bernanke. Nor Robert Rubin, nor Rahm Emmanuel, nor Larry Summer. Nor Jeffrey Inmelt, CEO of General Electric, the guy Obama recently appointed as a jobs czar.

Yeah, yeah - Obama really did meet Bill Ayres, back then in what -- 1985?

But how much power do you think Bill Ayres has exercised in the Obama administration, compared to the power wielded by Tim Geithner & Jeffrey Inmelt? How much money do you think Rev. Jeremiah Wright ever gave to Obama's campaign funds, compared to the money that was raised for Obama on Wall Street?

Please wake up and smell the capitalist campaign cash, friend. That is, if you still have a functioning brain to recognize corporate money when you see it.

-- democratic socialist

- Dick Hed - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

well if you are specifically referring to this site, i feel sorry for either party that would claim the people of yahoo for their party. right or left.

- ieatlunch - 10-13-2012 09:02 PM

No. I do not get paid (although I am at work at the moment). The wingnuts are the ones who pay for this service.