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How do I hide ALL my photo's from the public on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I hide ALL my photo's from the public on Facebook? - Experienced - 12-14-2013 10:02 PM

Thanks for reading my post..
I know that your 'timeline' pictures are public. That's fine. I have changed all my settings so that they are ALL on 'Friends only', however, when I view my profile from someone who DOESN'T have me as a friend, There are random pictures showing! I have also 'limited my previous posts', but that hasn't helped either!
Please help, as I don't want people viewing my private pictures!
Thank you in advance X
Thank's Jess - I have already done this. My profile is on the highest settings for everything. If however, I use the link at the top of my page 'View as' (where you can view how the public or a certain friend see's your profile) it doesn't show the pictures. It's only if I view it from someone who isn't friends with me... It's very confusing and I'm normally really good with things like this! Grrrr!

- Jess - 12-14-2013 10:16 PM

Just go through your settings and turn your account to private, im pretty sure people will always see your cover photos though I don't think you can protect them

- Harry - 12-14-2013 10:21 PM

You need to change the privacy setting of your facebook account. You would find a option, where you can share these pics with 'you' only instead of your friends.