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why some of my friends in facebook insist in liking my pictures? - Printable Version

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why some of my friends in facebook insist in liking my pictures? - b_ta52 - 12-15-2013 04:11 AM

while I DON'T care about them because I feel they are mean people ! they have hurt me before and they know how I feel about them ,they know I don't like them but again again they like all my pictures! why do you think they do this?

- Jason - 12-15-2013 04:24 AM

Some people like anything!

Perhaps it could be because others in the photo are the reason for the likes!

Maybe they are doing it because they know it will wind you up.

- Pinky - 12-15-2013 04:33 AM

if you dont want them to like your pictures, put a privacy on your photos and make it only visible to the friends you like or care about. this way they wont be able to.see your photos.
they may do it just for fun, or for jealousy. anyway if you dont like them, just ignore them, they dont deserve your time, I mean it not even worth to.think about them.
also you can always block them
hope this helps

- SPYDERBLADE - 12-15-2013 04:47 AM

Because they like them. If you don't like these people, why are you calling them friends?