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Should I depledge my sorority? - Printable Version

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Should I depledge my sorority? - freshmanxxroxxx2012 - 12-15-2013 11:04 AM

I am currently in the process of pledging and I don't know what my life is anymore. I have no free time and am constantly freaking out. I have really bad anxiety that I was able to keep under control until this process started by going to the gym but now I can't make it to the gym due to my lack of free time. I am also taking 18 credits worth of science and am beginning to see my grades lower. I have started constantly involuntarily shaking due to all of the stress and my anxiety. I have also been getting a lot less sleep. I am about 3 weeks into pledging and would still have about 4-5 weeks left.

- Syberious - 12-15-2013 11:18 AM

not until you get the pineapple shoved up your keister! that's the best part of pledging!

- robm425 - 12-15-2013 11:25 AM

If you like the sorority and you like the girls in the house I would stick with it. Might want to talk to a sister in the house that has a similar course of study. She might be able to help you with your school work and she might understand the intensity of pledging with science.

Pledging is only a semester, but the benefits last your life. One semester of bad grades will not kill you.

Give yourself an hour break and write yourself out a daily schedule everything from eating breakfast and scheduling yourself gym time. make sure you get 6-8hours of sleep a night Once you have a schedule it will make the process much easier to follow.

I would not depledge. Stick with it! Its only alittle bit longer than you will have all that time back to yourself and will be able to study like a mad women to ace your finals at the end of the semester.