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How do I get more "likes" on my Facebook page? - Printable Version

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How do I get more "likes" on my Facebook page? - Renee - 12-15-2013 05:15 PM

I've tried outreaching to get more people to "Like" my page, but nothing seems to work.

And I do update it regularly, so it's not a lack of interaction I don't think.

Anyone have any ideas? My page is here: (I'm an artist if that helps anyone)


- Anton - 12-15-2013 05:21 PM

Add people

- Anupam - 12-15-2013 05:25 PM

You have a lot of creativity skills. Just keep sharing your every creation in facebook with your FB friends. It will increase your likes slowly.

- Raju - 12-15-2013 05:29 PM

making good page

- Robert - 12-15-2013 05:46 PM

First you have to figure out your target people, region and then like some pages of similar nature as your is. Then go and do some activity there and do communicate with people. Join different groups relevant to the nature of your page. Share your posts there and communicate with others. Do not post too much in groups which may give an impression of promotion. You will get likes but it will take some time. Keep posting on your page once in a day or thrice in a week.

- Daysi - 12-15-2013 05:57 PM

Facebook like in fan pages or other objects are now become very popular. It's not only used in increase popularity but also in business purpose. The process of increase the like is to inform your nearby relatives, colleges and well-wisher to give like. It's wiser to stagger your like campaign prioritizing the people closest to you or is already familiar with your Facebook fan page and the business, service, product or brand you're promoting. You can then proceed farther away from your social circle until you're satisfied with the likes you're getting.The following tasks you should do to increase your like besides other works. One of them is including your Facebook page vanity URL in your email signature. The next option is Chatting with your online contacts about liking the page. Others are posting like buttons and a Facebook like Box on your Website or blog and Ask friends and relatives to promote your Facebook fan page if they can.