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Why wouldn't you accept request from an unknown person on Facebook? Please give your views!? - Printable Version

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Why wouldn't you accept request from an unknown person on Facebook? Please give your views!? - hungry - 12-16-2013 01:01 AM

So if you get a request from a stranger on your facebook, would you accept it? Why (or why not)? If you accept it, that person can possibly do only two things.
1. send a message to you;
2. comment on your posts

Either case, it's not a big deal. If he messes, you can immediately block him/her. Ya I know you might say, why would you want to allow someone to screw your facebook. Whatever, please give your opinions.

Thanks in anticipation!

- That Guy - 12-16-2013 01:08 AM

I don't have a facebook page. I am a grown up that is not completely self centered.

- Kristin Baker - 12-16-2013 01:21 AM

No. not a good idea...depending on what your security settings are. He will be able to see all your pictures, (or she) will be able to see your phone number (if you put that on there). They will have access to all your friends.
Just not a good idea.

- SPYDERBLADE - 12-16-2013 01:37 AM

I wouldn't always accept such a request for the very reason that it is an unknown person. I will make the exception if it is a (non immediate) family member that I have not met, a friend of an existing friend or family, or if it is a member of an organization that I trust.

- Victor - 12-16-2013 01:44 AM

While it isn't really a bad thing to accept every request, I think some must be blocked for security reasons. Your profile can provide many information to a villain. The criminal can find out your age, your relationship status, details about your family members, your job, etc. He can use this to plan a real life assault or harassment on you. Also, your pictures can tell a lot about where you live and where have you been. Some thieves can see from your facebook if you're away from home and use this oportunity to rob you. But the most dangerous type is the typical 70-80 years old perv with a taste for young children. The danger of dealing with such persons is self-explanatory. Also, under the anonimity provided by a social network, someone can pretend to be someone else just to lure you into a real life meeting. There, you will be a victim. Others target the singles. They pretend to fall in love with you, and if you accept this, you will develop a so-called long distance relationship. But you can't know who that person really is. Maybe you'll end up falling in love with him/her. This is when they'll start asking you for money. And you will pay, because you do love him/her and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to that person. This kind of con will leave both your heart and your wallet broken. There are many other such dangers. The best thing to do is to be smart. Check the profile of that person very carefully. Google him/her. If there's something fishy, delete or don't accept the friendship request. If you're single, don't rush into a stranger's arm just because of one facebook account. Instead, try to develop relations with people you meet in real life. And remember the goldern rule: IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU FOR MONEY, THAT PERSON IS A CROOK. And aother one: If something looks too good to be true, it probably is just that".