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Facebook Page got Hacked? - Printable Version

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Facebook Page got Hacked? - Mobi A - 12-16-2013 11:17 AM

yesterday, someone hacked into the administrator account and made themselves admin for both the pages and deleted all the other admins. the page is now up but under the hacker's admin. I have filed complaint with facebook but unable to get any help. Could you please point me as to how I can retrieve my two pages? it was going very well..
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


- Staszek G - 12-16-2013 11:26 AM

What you're experiencing is a massive Facebook failure not only did the Veryfication program disable all the legitimate accounts it also allows hackers to take on someone's identity I wonder if the Ceo's in Facebook are doing it on purpose, anyways my friend who is an software developer for Facebook INC said that the troubles started last Tuesday after they implemented what look liked a new security and veryfication software algorythms that were designed to block every user under 13 however, it suddenly started blocking both the veryfied and un-veryfied accounts like somekinda virus as the new software code started to require veryfication for every message send in and out its like a bug programing that infects another servers and has something to do with relating power from theire machine plants into operating this algorythms which is why all the Facebook infrastructure will eventually crash unless they stop the issue now the best way would be to turn off the said security checks algorythms but the CEO won't allow that however its because of theire greed this is happening and thats why they haven't made any public statement they think theire software analists solve the problem but friend sais its very unlikely as its a big issue

- Phillip and Nancy - 12-16-2013 11:27 AM

The only way facebood will help is if you post a picture identification and other such stuff that you will be uncomfortable posting on FB. I had to set up another account and still can't control my page so dont' look to FB for help. You can't even delete the account cause someone else has control. It's crappy

- Ads - 12-16-2013 11:33 AM
download this hack and u can hack