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How to Unblock Site ? - Printable Version

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How to Unblock Site ? - deepcherry379 - 12-17-2013 11:38 PM

Facebook is blocked in my computer so i found the hosts file and changed it but when i tried to save it it needed to contact administrator to save it in the same folder and i could not save it.
i don't want to use a proxy.
please help

- Shivendra - 12-17-2013 11:41 PM

just click window button
and open CMD
run as administrator
and then type ping and press enter
and you will get something like this

enter this address in place of website
and fb will open!

- Syed Nadim - 12-17-2013 11:42 PM

just use safe anonymous proxy site. its so easy. just input the URL of required site and hit the button. the following proxy sites are completely safe and dont keep any log of your activity: