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Should I be worried (failed facebook hack)? - Printable Version

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Should I be worried (failed facebook hack)? - blacksabbon - 12-18-2013 08:58 AM

Facebook just told me that someone near hong kong in china tried to access my account. They didn't get in but I had to change my password. Due to posting my email in a public forum years ago, I get scam emails all the time, and I like to mess with them a little bit and reply back and mock them. Some of them are from chinese people.

Should I be worried? Are the scammers getting mad at me or something? >.>

- Violininja - 12-18-2013 09:07 AM

Change your password to something long maybe? and if you can change your email on your facebook account.

- Snoopy - 12-18-2013 09:13 AM

you should not get worried along as you don't fall for the scams and if u are really worried delete you're email because they will not stop trying to scam you and y should they get mad because you won't fall for that

- pri✍ - 12-18-2013 09:16 AM

So you'd better change your email to use with FB, better yet an address that's not known by others, so they can't pretend as you & say to FB that they forget the password while they know a lot about you. (Either your own friend or some stranger who happened to gather your info).
Also change your password to FB, make a strong password incl for the email that used for FB.

- Adam - 12-18-2013 09:21 AM

Change your password on all sites to something that is 10+ characters long, has lower & upper case letters, numbers and characters. Try to be a bit random too, so something like

'M4^&h5GH5mk#)bnrn%^GH+-*" < Pretty much un-hackable
'John123' or 'johndoe' or '12121945' < Easily Hackable

Mabye report to police if you have names or usernames and you are sure that they are the same people?