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Gf's Facebook always says online should I worry? - Printable Version

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Gf's Facebook always says online should I worry? - Ryan - 12-18-2013 02:14 PM

I wounder if my gf is lying to me, almost every night her Facebook say she's online to chat ALL night I work at 4am.. She tells me she's going to bed around 10-11 and it will show her online till 12am wen I go to sleep then wen I get up at 4 for work it still shows her online and at 6 she's still on.. I asked her why she's up all night on Facebook and she denies it but that's the only time it does that during the day it's off and on as she is.. So she tryed to prove that she's not up all night and wen she spent the night she used Facebook on her phone and then put it away it showed her on line for about 2 hours and went of.. Is she lying to me and has this happened to anyone else? Thanks
She is on her cell phone but doesn't use the app she just goes to the browser on her phone and uses it

- Lynn - 12-18-2013 02:23 PM

is she has the app on her phone its common because of the phone is on it will say youre online even if youre not..but if she isnt on her phone..most likely shes hidding something

- Ryan - 12-18-2013 02:27 PM

If she's using a computer to be on facebook and doesn't close out of the browser, simply walks away from the computer, and the computer doesn't go to sleep then it will show her on even when she's not. Or there's a number of other reasons why it would do this. Maybe she's embarrassed to say she's up all night looking at funny cat pictures, I've done it.

The real question you should be asking is why is this such a big deal? She's your girlfriend, you have her phone number. If you want to talk to her just call her on the phone instead of sending a message on facebook and waiting. You starting a fight over something like this is a very chick thing to do.

- n0t4c|u3 - 12-18-2013 02:39 PM

does she play one of those stupid facebook games like dinerdash or poker or whatever?
those things will keep you logged in.
people used to tell me I was on during the oddest hours.

- Emma - 12-18-2013 02:51 PM

She is cheating you.