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What are the differences among Facebook, Twitter and YouTube? - Printable Version

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What are the differences among Facebook, Twitter and YouTube? - gwen - 12-18-2013 06:54 PM

- george - 12-18-2013 06:55 PM

Each one starts with a different letter of the alphabet;
Each one is pronounced differently.

- mukta - 12-18-2013 07:05 PM

Facebook and twiter is a social communication site. but youtube is a video watch and upload site.

- Manish - 12-18-2013 07:09 PM

All of three facebook , twitter , youtube are social networking website while all of three has various functionality and benefits.

On facebook you can add other user as friends chat with your friends ,play games , create page and like others page while on twitter you can only tweet and send private messages to others and on twitter you can also tweet to your favourite actors , sports player ,celebrity while on youtube you can upload , watch and share videos.

- Daniel - 12-18-2013 07:14 PM

There Are All Different They Are Used For Different Purposes

Facebook is Used To Connect With Friends and Family that you Know in your Real Life

Twitter is All About Updating your Status in 140 Characters or Less and Seeing What is Being Talked About

Youtube Is All About Uploading Videos And Sharing them With the World