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Does my online friend sound like a predator to you? - Printable Version

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Does my online friend sound like a predator to you? - PurplePikachu ♪ - 12-19-2013 10:33 AM

After replying to one of his posts on facebook on a group we're both in, he added me. We've been talking a lot since then. His profile doesn't have any information about him as he told me it's a joke profile, but he told me his first name, what part of the country he lives in and he showed me a picture of himself.
I have about 5 normal pictures of myself on my profile and he hasn't asked me for any. He also never compliments or sucks up to fact, he teases me a lot and insults my tastes... -.-
He's told me a bit about his personal life (his ex girlfriend) but hasn't asked much about mine. He's never asked me to meet up with him either.
I'm 15 and he says he's 17. I've stalked him a bit to try find out more info and found two pictures of him on his friend's account but he was wearing a mask in both.
He teases me about being a virgin but doesn't say anything else sexual.
I feel like I can trust him, but of course I'm still wary (especially after watching a lot of online grooming awareness videos haha).
I think I'll mention this to him next time we chat. What do you think? Does he sound like a predator trying to groom me, to you, or am I being to paranoid?
Thanks! ^.<

- webjnke1 - 12-19-2013 10:46 AM

Doesn't sound like he is actually.

- AMT - 12-19-2013 10:54 AM

But still, in 5 years your gonna be laughing that you were talking to a random guy online. Honestly when your a teen you probably won't really care but as you age your gonna laugh at things like this. I personally wouldn't talk to strangers online.