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he sent her a request on facebook? - Printable Version

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he sent her a request on facebook? - whiteroses202004 - 12-19-2013 12:58 PM

It is obvious on facebook we can all tell that are messages are being read or unread.. I have a friend that is married... her computer broke... her dad is a supervisor of an employee that can fix computers so the guy owed the father/supervisor a favor and fixed the computer... He leaves a note on her computer if she has any questions to call him... well they have been chatting back and forth for a while now... just recently he hasn't responded to her messages... I told her... from what I have seen... he has too much drama and baggage... Walk away... deleted him from facebook and block him... She just wanted friendship.. with him... she is a married woman... her and her hubby have a great relationship... She would have never crossed the line... So tell me what are the reasons you think he hasn't responded to her in over five days when she messaged him? Facebook sends notifications and lets you know you have email... so just opinions no bashing. Thanks

- zombie - 12-19-2013 01:01 PM

Hu? If you told her to walk away then why do you care that he didn't respond?

- caladan1810 - 12-19-2013 01:14 PM

There is a thing called REAL LIFE. Sometimes things happen, I've been known to not sign into Facebook for days at a time. You need to get a life and & but out!