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will I look Lame or am I lame? - Printable Version

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will I look Lame or am I lame? - lola - 12-19-2013 09:41 PM

well my crush recently added me on facebook I was hesitant about adding him because on facebook I dont really have a lot of friends and I dont get 20 likes like a lot of people so i dont want him to look at my page and think Im lame or something like that and also it was my birthday and only 16 people posted of my wall i have about 100 friends on facebook and he has like 500 Idk I am kinda dumb I guess for getting all worked up about this but dont you too feel a presure to get a lot of likes on facebook and have people post on youre wall I honestly dont care what my other friends on faceboook think but with him its so scary what he'll think hense the reason why i didnt really want to add him but i did because i like him :/

- Prototype - 12-19-2013 09:43 PM

A guy shouldn't judge you on how many 'likes' you have or whatever. If he does judge you on how famous you are, then maybe he's not the one.

- XOXOCEC - 12-19-2013 09:59 PM

Im pretty sure he doesnt care , youre just overthinking it lol.
Guys dont think about that stuff. They just want to see what we post & our pictures.

- Jay - 12-19-2013 10:04 PM

The number of friends you have on fb is by no means a measure of anything important. It just sounds like you have a negative self image. If you think classy you will be classy , if you act confident you will be confident. If you are the person you need to be then anyone who thinks you are lame for having only 100 fb friends can shove off.