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Should there be a pit bull breeding license? - Printable Version

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Should there be a pit bull breeding license? - Michael - 12-20-2013 05:02 PM

A certified breeder would raise healthy well-tempered dogs and only give them to people who would make good owners. This would make the dog less likely to get into the wrong hands. Pit bulls have been banned from Ontario since 2005 and it doesn't seem right. There has to be a better approach than to ban even the most innocent of the breed. There are ways around this idea which would mean that there would be a lot more illegal pit bulls.
Pit bulls are illegal after 2005. If you own one that you got before the ban, you could keep it but it has to be muzzled and walk on a short leash. (Dont know the exact size of the leash)

- Alix - 12-20-2013 05:10 PM

Yes, I agree with you. I think the main reasons why pits have such a bad reputation is because of poor breeding, and their availability to bad owners. That could very well be a solution.

- Hills - 12-20-2013 05:13 PM

backyard breeders will always have a way to cover their disgusting tracks.

pit bulls are illegal in ontario? hmm.... my uncle has one

- Makayla - 12-20-2013 05:19 PM

Yes that would be a great solution. Also the people should inspect the dogs temperament and stuff too!! It's not the dogs fault it's the trainer and now if it doesn't stop it's probably gunna end up making them genetically aggressive too..

- Frankie - 12-20-2013 05:29 PM

There should be a license requirement for breeding ANY dog or cat.

Considering how severely over bred dogs like Labradors, chihuahuas, and Golden Retrievers are, a breeding license shouldn't be confined to just Pit Bulls.

And I agree, banning a breed or type of dog does not solve the problem. It just means law-abiding citizens lose dogs and innocent dogs are put to sleep...while the people abusing the dogs continue to own them illegally and keep them hidden. Dog bite incidents do not go down, people still breed poorly bred Pits, and the dogs still lose.

Requiring a license to breed any animal would mean less ignorant people breeding their animals. Anyone found selling unlicensed puppies would be subject to fines and being forced to pay for the license to sell that litter. Or lose the litter and the parent dogs.

This does bring up a problem with some people preferring to keep intact animals. They would probably need a limited license. Saying they don't plan on breeding the animal. (or it can't be fixed due to medical issues).

But the fact is, there are a lot more ignorant people than responsible ones. So the responsible ones would be paying for other people's ignorance. But its a small price to pay when it means reducing the pet overpopulation problem.

- Nikola - 12-20-2013 05:40 PM

I also live in Ontario, I grew up with an american pit bull terrier. She was my best friend growing up, she passed just before the ban was introduced. As much as I miss her I am glad she got to live the rest of her days without the ridiculous rules that the grandfathered pits today have to go through, they can't have a leash longer than 1.8 meters, must wear a muzzle at all times in public. Which is awful because just imagine how uncomfortable that must be, and it also gives strangers the wrong idea, you see a dog with a muzzle which will make you think that he can be dangerous right? Ugh such a stupid law, I would love to get another pit bull which is why I am just waiting for the day they lift the ban, I know there are a few people that are trying to lift it. Have you heard about Hershey's bill? (Bill 16) it passed two readings a couple of years ago but it was killed off when Dalton McGuinty left office and now there's a politician named Randy Hillier who is trying hard to bring the bill back for a third reading which would ultimately destroy the ban, there's a petition that you can sign as well that was created by this politician. Search Bill 16 Randy Hillier, there's a few facebook and twitter pages that help spread the word and whatnot, on May 1st people tweeted at Kathleen Wynne who has the power to destroy the ban, it was a tweetstorm so they called it to raise awarness and get her attention to bring bill 16 back. They are trying to make an even bigger tweetstorm to really get her attention, that tweetstorm is TODAY (May 8th) So get on twitter and tweet @Kathleen_Wynne and use the hashtag #EndTheBanNow which is what they are trying to get to trend so that more people see. You never know, this could really help out and every tweet counts and and it might just be what brings the bill 16 back so we can get rid of the ban Smile