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Is it a coincidence that western nations took a giant nose dive after embracing diversity + social liberalism? - Printable Version

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Is it a coincidence that western nations took a giant nose dive after embracing diversity + social liberalism? - Sean - 10-13-2012 10:52 PM

I know what will make America great, lets let all the blacks destroy our cities (but we can't be racist so just let them), lets flood the country with 50 million Mexicans (don't be racist, white man let it happen), lets spit on Christianity and constantly mock it in the media while promoting homosexuality and promiscusity and lets constantly show violence, murder, drug abuse.

God America, how you have improved from that racist, white middle class country you used to be.
America became a superpower because of WW2, while Europe was being bombed we were booming. FDR was not a liberal, hence why he carried the South which supported segregation. All previous immigrants to America were white, that's why it worked so well, they all became Americans and had the same culture. This country is dying, like Europe which has also embraced diversity, ie their own death. History will prove me right.

- ingsoc1 - 10-13-2012 11:00 PM

yea things fell apart after the french revolution

- Charles - 10-13-2012 11:00 PM

“To think that the Communist revolution can be carried out peacefully, within the framework of a Christian democracy, means one has either gone out of one’s mind and lost all normal understanding, or has grossly and openly repudiated the Communist revolution.” . . . Joesph Stalin
Revolutionary, Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, said that “the supersession of the bourgeois state by the proletarian state is impossible without violent revolution”
Lenin consistently explained "this elementary truth of Marxism, that the victory of socialism requires the joint efforts of workers in a number of advanced countries" (Lenin, Sochineniya (Works), 5th ed Vol XLIV p418.) It could not be developed in Russia in isolation, he argued, but needed to be spread internationally.
Modern followers of Leon Trotsky maintain that as predicted by Lenin, Trotsky, and others already in the 1920s, Stalin's "socialism in one country" was unable to maintain itself, and according to some Marxist critics, the USSR ceased to show the characteristics of a socialist state long before its formal dissolution.
Marxism–Leninism is a far-left ideology based on principles of class conflict, egalitarianism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, and social progress. It is anti-bourgeois, anti-capitalist, anti-conservative, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, anti-liberal, anti-reactionary, and is opposed to bourgeois democracy.
obamacare unionizes health care workers. unions are small scale communist.
worship the beast or starve.

- massiveapparel944 - 10-13-2012 11:00 PM

Yeah, they really took a nose dive when they started embracing diversity and the American economy started booming once we started including everyone in all fields of life.

If America only had room for whites to vote or live middle class lives we'd be much farther down the gutter than we are today.

- Mark - 10-13-2012 11:00 PM

"If America only had room for whites to vote or live middle class lives we'd be much farther down the gutter than we are today."

BS, America had a much larger middle class in the 50s than it does now, pumping in millions of poor latinos doesnt improve a country.

- PhillyGuy - 10-13-2012 11:00 PM

America became a superpower under the stewardship of a very liberal FDR. The middle class only went from being a minority in the pre-Depression working class era to becoming the majority in the 50's, when the Civil Rights movement was already at the forefront of US politics.

Your sentiments are nothing new; early colonists complained about newly arrived German immigrants, nativists in the 1800's complained about millions of Irish, Italian and Eastern European immigrants coming over and teetotalers pushed alcohol prohibition because of all the debauchery and sin of turn of the century America, which led to the rise and subsequent glorification of gangland violence. Klansmen complained about newly liberated slaves degrading society after the Civil War, etc.

For a racist, society is perpetually in some state of moral decline and returning to some imaginary period of peace that never existed is always the solution, and one that can only be achieved by thuggish and draconian tactics.